BAMF Style

Hopefully this blog will be a helpful guide to dudes like me who want to look good and BAMF-like without having to subscribe to GQ or pay thousands for a brand name.

That being said, the inaugural post will be Cary Grant’s infamous suit from North by Northwest. There isn’t much to say about this suit that hasn’t been said already, but hopefully my take on it will be at least somewhat fresh. Keep your eyes peeled.


  1. Anonymous

    Super excellent site! I’ve been trying to be CG for years with no success, mind you, but I’m still at it. Great start, N by NW is really a movie about CGs suit, not CG. I feel the same as you, I’ve always wanted to be well dressed and stylish, but still be a man about the whole thing. Most sites are just clothes porn, your site is just what I was looking for…Keep up the good work and please do a post on Steve McQueen’s wardrobe in Thomas Crown…That would be a good one. Cheers.

    • luckystrike721

      Thanks, I appreciate the kind words and will be sure to keep the site going in the same direction! McQueen’s wardrobe as Thomas Crown – specifically his three-piece suit – are on my queue to post about and will be up as soon as I get the DVD to make screenshots from. In the meantime, I’ll be posting his blazer and turtleneck look from Bullitt this week. Like the North by Northwest suit, it’s been written about plenty before, but I try to lend my own input to everything, as well as screenshots to better illustrate rather than the usual photos seen elsewhere.
      Also, I appreciate hearing what people want to see on here! If you have any more ideas, feel free to let me know. Matt Spaiser at has done a brilliant job of tackling Bond, but I plan on getting into a few select Bond styles that I think are most relevant and naturally accompany with drink recipes, gun analyses, etc. Thanks again!

  2. Anonymous

    On the Bullit DVD commentary Yates says that all of McQueen’s clothes were British…The look has been written about, but I’m anxious to read your take on it. Do a post on Cary Grant’s Charade…He’s in super BAMF mode in that one, 60 years old, sporting the Aquascutum trench, roof top fight with George Kennedy, gunplay with Walter Matthau and closing the deal with Audrey Hepburn. Plus he’s doing so wearing the same tie from N by NW! That would be a great one.

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