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One year ago today, after a lifetime of writing masterpieces and then hiding them from all critical eyes, I decided to bite the bullet and start a blog. The inaugural post was dedicated to the famous gray suit worn by Cary Grant in North by Northwest. A year later, my little project to help myself decide what to wear based on the coolest guys of movies and TV has grown to well over 100 articles, more than 500 views on an average day, and some of the coolest followers and commenters on the interweb. Thanks for all the feedback, advice, and fun. Let’s keep it going!

Since you’re all so cool, who’s interested in some stats?

How do people get here?

The top five most common searches that bring people to the blog are:

  1. jason bourne brown sweater
  2. jason bourne sweater
  3. hank moody boots
  4. bamf style
  5. hank moody style

The next five are also about Hank Moody, until #11, which is “jimmy darmody suit”. Evidently, we’ve got plenty of Californication fans. That being said…

What are the most viewed pages?

  1. Jason Bourne in Switzerland (from The Bourne Identity)
  2. Jimmy Darmody’s Blue Suit (from Boardwalk Empire)
  3. Collateral – Vincent’s Suit (from Collateral)
  4. Bullitt (obviously, this was Steve McQueen’s iconic sportcoat in Bullitt)
  5. Jason Bourne in Paris (also from The Bourne Identity)

Again, Jason Bourne racks up some top points on the board. Looking at this, I’m a bit ashamed of my Collateral page. Perhaps it’s worth a revisit soon to fix it up and make it worthy of the #3 spot.

What’s everyone looking at?

I’ve been told by plenty of people (like, at least four) that having a ton of photos helps the blog out. Let’s see the top five photos everyone’s clicking on…

  1. Jimmy Darmody’s blue suit from Boardwalk Empire
  2. Jason Bourne’s dark overcoat, sweater, and jeans in The Bourne Supremacy
  3. Jason Bourne just kinda hanging out in The Bourne Ultimatum
  4. Tom Cruise’s badass gray suit in Collateral
  5. Four different shots of Jason Bourne in The Bourne Identity

You people really like Matt Damon.

In Summary

You’re all the best. Thanks for checking out the humble blog. Have fun and, if you missed some of the first articles – like from Bullitt, Goldfinger, North by Northwest, or Three Days of the Condor – check them out. I used to be a lot funnier then.

Don’t forget, if you ever have anything you want to say, whether it’s a compliment (yay!), complaint (ugh!), or you just want to tell me about a great bottle of Scotch you got your hands on, feel free to leave a comment anywhere on the site or send an email off to I try to answer them all in a timely fashion, so expect a response sometime before the birth of your grandson.


Anyone who knows me and my love for gangster history might have an inkling for what tomorrow’s post will be. Hint: 80 years ago today in Indiana…

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